Pooled Storage and Shared Drives in Google Workspace Business Starter

Think Technology Services, Your Google partner has awesome news for you!

Google has started implementing changes to the storage model in the Business Starter Plan, transitioning from per-user storage to pooled storage. Pooled storage offers a simpler and more flexible approach to storage management, as it allows for shared storage across the entire organisation, eliminating the need for individual user storage management. Additionally, with pooled storage, administrators will have enhanced tools to monitor storage usage across the organisation.


What is Pooled Storage?

Pooled storage is a simple and flexible model for sharing storage across an organization, and it enables admins to more easily manage storage across their organization.

What are Shared Drives?

Google’s dedication to empowering our customers to achieve their best work involves minimising obstacles in file sharing and collaboration. Shared drives are an essential tool for seamless collaboration, enabling users to store, search, and instantly access their team’s files. Moreover, they offer various benefits, such as:

  • Easy discoverability: Less time spent requesting access to files and searching for relevant documents with all of your team’s files in one place.
  • Files are forever: All content stays put — even when collaborators or team members leave, your content won’t.
  • Easy collaboration: Every member of a shared drive can explore and collaborate in the same files. You can also add users outside your team or organisation.
  • Accessible anywhere: Regardless of location or device, you can always access the files you need most.


Please Visit the Google Help Center to learn more about pooled storage and shared drives for Business Starter.

Going forward, new customers signing up for Business Starter will have access to pooled storage, while existing Business Starter customers will gradually transition to pooled storage in the upcoming months.

An additional benefit of pooled storage is the introduction of shared drives for organizations using Business Starter. This means users will be able to create shared drives, invite members, and manage files and folders collaboratively. However, please note that certain admin-level and security controls, such as access control for items within a shared drive, will not be available for Business Starter users.

We will need to enable certain settings in the Admin Console, Which our Technical Support Team will do for you.

Think Technology Services keeps your Google Workspace setup up to date and fully functional.

Rollout pace

  • Beginning May 15, 2023, new Business Starter customers will have pooled storage by default.
  • Pooled storage will start rolling out to existing Business Starter customers on May 22, 2023 and continue over the coming months.
  • Shared drives will become available after pooled storage rolls out to all existing Business Starter customers.


  • This update impacts Google Workspace Business Starter customers.

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